How Does Hard Water Affect My Hair?

How Does Hard Water Affect My Hair?

Sometimes we want to find one good reason why our hair is not looking its best. However, most of the times it’s not one thing, but an array of different factors that come into play. One of the least-thought variables is the water in your shower which, if you live... ↗️ Read More!

Dry shampoo

Why Should I Use Dry Shampoo?

“Should I shampoo every day?” is a question we often receive. Shampooing frequently with commercial shampoos can strip out the natural occurring oils in your hair; however, since our Morrocco Method Shampoos are formulated to boost the moisture in your hair without drying your scalp, shampooing with our formulas often... ↗️ Read More!

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay and Montmorillonite Clay are used as interchangeable terms; however, the difference lies on the origin of where the clays are extracted from. Both are composed of ash made from volcanoes, the main difference is Bentonite clay was originally found in Wyoming; whereas Montmorillonite Clay was discovered in the... ↗️ Read More!

Foam on hands

Master Chemist Explains the Reality Behind Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Its Multiple Names

Master Chemist Explains the Reality Behind Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Its Multiple Names Did you know that if you use conventional cosmetics on a daily basis, you can absorb almost 5 pounds of chemicals and toxins into your body each year? You may think that something so ubiquitous as your... ↗️ Read More!

How A Shower Filter Changed My Hair Life!

How A Shower Filter Changed My Hair Life!

I moved to a new house last year that had well water, I thought nothing of it except that it was uncommon in my area. Fast forward about 6 months, my hair was looking dull, greasy and a little orange. I did not understand what was going on! It was... ↗️ Read More!

THE HISTORY OF HAIR: In Fact and Fiction

THE HISTORY OF HAIR: In Fact and Fiction

From the dawn of humankind, hair has been central to the human experience. The lack of it—among other things—is what separated us from the animals and led us to hunting in packs, domestication, agriculture, fire, everything which enabled us to live, thrive, and survive to become the dominant creature on... ↗️ Read More!

7 Steps Guaranteed To Clear A Fungal Infection of the Scalp

7 Steps Guaranteed To Clear A Fungal Infection of the Scalp

Have you ever considered that the root cause of your hair issues might actually be from a fungal or yeast infection of the scalp?In 2019, the U.S. Natural Library of Medicine reported that over 1 billion people are dealing with a fungal disease. A fungus can have major symptoms, or... ↗️ Read More!

Your Worst Enemy: Not Understanding Ingredients on Labels

Your Worst Enemy: Not Understanding Ingredients on Labels

Your goal with hair and body care products is likely to cleanse and beautify yourself. But what if 89% of those ingredients are not evaluated by the FDA for safety?Did you know your skin is the largest organ of your body? It weighs around 6-8 pounds and covers approximately 18... ↗️ Read More!