Multi-Use: 5 Interesting Uses for Morrocco Method Products
It’s tough to find products as natural as Morrocco Method. Luckily, now you don’t have to. Morrocco Method products have multi-use capabilities.
Through years of experience and customer feedback we’ve created a multi-use list of some interesting ways to use Morrocco Method products.
Through years of experience and customer feedback we’ve created a multi-use list of some interesting ways to use Morrocco Method products.
1. Excellent Moisturizers
- Euro Oil – scalp, face and body
Elixirs – face and body
2. Fantastic Body Washes
- Earth Essence Shampoo – good exfoliation
- Sea Essence Shampoo – good exfoliation and moisturizing
- Pearl Essence Cream Rinse – shaving cream
- Euro Oil – make-up remover
3. Chapstick
- Styling Dragon Pomade
4. Mani/ Pedi Treatments
- Euro Oil – massage rough heels and calloused soles before bed. Cover with heavy socks for a great overnight moisturizing
- Blood of the Dragon Gel – Soften cuticles before a manicure or pedicure
- Zen Detox – Treatment for Athlete’s Foot or sprinkle some in your shoes to deal with general foot odor
5. House Hold Multi-Use
- Euro Oil – A great natural substitute for WD-40
- Zen Detox – Sprinkle inside shoes to get rid of unwanted odor
- Henna – Dye light colored natural fabric that you want to subtly darken