The History of Morrocco Method - Part 2
Ancient Wisdom & Traditions
As you think, so shall you become. - Bruce Lee
As his apprenticeship continued, Anthony spent every extra moment he got, including his lunch breaks, watching "master hair architect" Kenneth Batelle as he cut and coifed an elite client list. Kenneth was the creator of the "blunt snip cutting" method and was always happy to allow apprentice hair dressers to observe him and his method of cutting hair.

In his book The Big Apple, One Bite At A Time, Anthony reveals that in addition to working full time at Kenneth's Salon, three nights a week he would take a train to East Harlem where he would practice the techniques he learned from working with Kenneth and Rosemary. It brought high-end cutting and coloring trends out of the salon and into the neighborhoods. He didn't charge for his services since it allowed him practice his own technique, but he was very well fed by the predominantly Italian families in the neighborhood.
During this time he also met three sisters that hailed from Rio de Janeiro who were exclusive clients of Kenneth’s. He was fascinated by the very specific schedule that the sisters followed. He became close with one of them in Rosemary's coloring rooms, and she explained that in South America they used the Mayan calendar to know when to plant, harvest, fish, and cut hair to achieve different goals. Realizing that his interest was sincere, she taught him how to read the lunar calendar, and how to create one for specific hair goals.
Thrust into a new and glamorous world beyond his wildest dreams, Anthony got the chance to rub shoulders with not only the rich and famous, but also the brilliant minds of successful entrepreneurs in high society. One such person was Dr. Cecilia Lu, an acupuncturist and master herbalist from Shanghai.
Dr. Lu and Anthony became fast friends and started spending more time together. She would teach him about how herbs could be used medicinally and different techniques of acupuncture. Anthony was introduced to the concept of the Five Elements. He also became acquainted with Dr. Fung Yi, and 8th degree black belt and one of Bruce Lee's master teachers. Anthony felt his world opening as he learned how the five elements applied to everything.
It became known to him as the Universal Five. Everything began to connect in his mind from what he'd learned of the lunar calendar. Five goals, five elements, five types of hair on the body, five fingers, five toes--the pattern kept coming up.
Kenneth's catered to an elite cadre of clientele, right down to customized formulas for shampoos and elixirs. Rita was a classically trained botanist and created her own ‘elixirs’ tailored to each individual client. She was very secretive about her formulas, but after Anthony helped her land Jackie Kennedy as a client, Rita agreed to teach him the base formulas that she used.
The blending of technique with botanicals and ancient wisdom from other cultures became the foundation from which he would launch his next adventure, and become the basis for Morrocco Method.
Stay tuned for part 3...
Shampoo of the Week:
Pine shale is a type of sedimentary rock that is rich in natural minerals and has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties.
Some people may use shampoos containing pine shale for its nourishing and rejuvenating effects on the scalp and hair.
This sulfate-free shampoo is particularly helpful for people with dandruff, itchy scalps, and inflammation as it is the most restorative of all our shampoos. Representing the element of Air, this natural shampoo is raw and filled with the purest, hand-picked ingredients, making it great for normal to dry hair and scalp.