Neutral Henna - Get Strong & Glossy Without the Color
Neutral henna refers most frequently to cassia, a plant with a translucent yellow dye molecule. On hair any darker than a very light blonde, cassia will not be visible. On white, gray, and very light blonde hair, cassia can deposit a golden wheat color, but the stain is not as permanent as henna and will eventually fade. For everyone else, the benefit of lies not within the color, but within the hair strengthening benefits of neutral henna.
Cassia is an excellent hair conditioner that strengthens your strands to make hair feel thick and look glossy while promoting scalp health. Cassia naturally contains chrysophanic acid, which when refined is used in topical eczema medications; cassia can help relieve symptoms of eczema on the scalp. It’s also anti-fungal and anti-bacterial which can help relieve dandruff. The tannins in cassia can help restore a softer texture to hair damaged by bleach and chemicals.

Morrocco Method's Neutral Henna is made with pure cassia without metallic salts or adulterants and will not react badly with chemical hair treatments. You can safely use neutral henna on previously chemically dyed hair to help strengthen and repair damage caused by bleach, relaxers, and other chemical treatments. Cassia can also restore the strength to hair damaged by swimming, heat treatments, and UV damage.
How to use it:
As a no-color conditioning treatment:
Mix neutral henna with distilled water to get the consistency of thick yogurt. You want the mix to be spreadable, but not drippy. Do not let this sit. Apply immediately to your hair after mixing. Section your hair, put a towel around your shoulders, and using gloved hands apply henna to clean, dry hair. (It can be applied to towel-dried hair but not wet).
Wrap hair with plastic wrap or put on a shower cap. Optionally, put on a fabric cap over the plastic to trap body heat. The key is to keep the paste moist and warm.
Leave in your hair for only 1 hour. Do not leave it in overnight.
Unwrap your hair and rinse with water only. Use a drain catcher to prevent possible clogging. Use Pearl Essence Creme Rinse or a few drops of Euro Oil to aid in the henna rinsing process. The Morrocco Method Scalp Massager helps in removing the henna.
For optimal results, repeat monthly.
As a base coat for Light Blonde Henna:
Mix your Morrocco Method neutral henna with filtered water and a few tablespoons of lemon juice or other fruit juice/acid (enough that your water is tart).
Cover the mix and let rest 8-12 hours. Cassia still goes through the process of dye release the way henna does, but the transparent pale yellow dye molecule isn’t visible on medium-to-darker shades of hair. Cassia can not be used to lighten hair. On white/gray/lightest blonde hair, cassia will leave a golden wheat stain that will wash out over time.
Apply neutral henna to your hair and wrap with plastic and cover to keep your paste warm and moist.
Rinse after 1-4 hours. There are no restrictions on washing your hair afterwards, but you’ll likely only want a conditioner.
Do a full head application every time. Neutral henna/cassia doesn’t last as long as henna, and it will not darken your hair the more you use it. Neutral henna can be drying, especially on fragile or light colored hair that's prone to dryness. Use our Euro Natural Oil or Diamond Crystal Mist to quench ends that might feel a bit parched.
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