Elixirs for Your Seasonal Lunar Haircut
Did you know you should use elixirs during your seasonal blunt snip haircut? It’s easy and feels amazing! MM Elixirs are specially formulated to promote healthy hair regrowth and there is no better time to use them than during your Seasonal Lunar Cut.
Embark on a transformative journey to unlock the full potential of your hair with Morrocco Method's Hair Restoring Elixirs, guided by the celestial wisdom of the Lunar Hair Chart. Each Elixir, meticulously crafted to cater to specific hair needs, holds the promise of revitalization and renewal. Discover the art of harmonizing nature's cycles with your hair care rituals, unraveling a path towards hair that radiates health and enchantment. As you shock and awaken the roots of your hair with your lunar cut, you will simultaneously promote new growth with the elixirs!
How do I use the Elixirs for a Lunar haircut?
Normally, you only need a couple drops of elixir at a time to stimulate the hair follicle, but in this case, you’re going to apply it directly to your scalp very liberally using a cotton ball (this much elixir should only be used with the Lunar Cut). Apply it right before you are about to do or receive your lunar haircut.The elixir needs to be in your hair for at least 24 hours, so do not shampoo after your haircut. Let it settle in overnight. If you have the luxury of allowing your hair to remain oily, try keeping it in for 48 hours for the ultimate growth boost!
Each elixir has a different hair goal and can be applied in a different seasons.

Beginner (Golden & Silver) Elixir Series
- Apply during Spring & Summer.
- Golden Diamond Crystal: Beautify
- Silver Grapeseed Chi: Lengthen

Intermediate (Gods & Goddesses) Series
- Apply during any season
- Apollo Air: Lengthen
- Poseidon Sea: Root work
- God-dess Earth: Thicken
- Pele Lava Fire: Strengthen

Advanced (Tri-Color) Series
- Apply Spring, Summer & Fall.
- Amber (Vata): Lengthen
- Emerald (Kapha): Thicken
- Ruby (Pitta): Strengthen