New Year, New You

The New Year is a time to reflect and see things from a higher perspective, and from this vantage point we can make wiser choices.
This is a time of year to take a pause and see what is working in our lives and what is not.
We often hear the words, “This is my New Year's resolution.” But what does “resolution” even mean?
A resolution is a formal expression of intent. It takes courage, tenacity, and mental strength to follow through with the goals we set for ourselves.
How do we improve our chances of accomplishing our resolutions?
One method we've found to help a resolution have more sticking power is to write it out.First, write down your goals, then list the benefits these goals will facilitate. Review your goals and benefits daily.
For example: Have you ever talked about developing a healthier diet, only to fall back into the same routines you are not happy with? When we write down what the goal will help us achieve, it can give us inspiration to keep forging ahead!

Will you feel more confident? Will your health soar? Will you be happier with your choices?
Allowing ourselves to see this every day can be powerful.
Once we create the new habit and stick with it, we end up seeing positive results and that is very fulfilling!
So what are some of our goals this year?
One of our chief resolutions at Morrocco Method is to create less impact on the environment, which is why we created our zero waste Shampoo and Conditioner Bar Set. Our no-waste, no-mess shampoo and conditioner bars can also be bought separately in larger sizes. They are perfect for travel and won't spill in your luggage.
Did we mention the packaging is 100% compostable?! In about 90 days, the packaging breaks down into biomass, water and carbon dioxide which allows it to return to the earth.
The plastic bottles and caps we use are all PET #1 which is the most widely recycled plastic in the world!
Do you have any goals for reducing waste in 2023?
If we each make it a goal to eliminate some of our own waste, we can make a greater impact together! That also means choosing to give your business to companies that make the environment a priority.
Here are just a few suggestions to incorporate in your daily routine:
- Recycle your containers whenever possible. Find a local drop off if your town does not offer it as a service for pick up.
- Utilize re-usable grocery bags. Contribute to a cleaner environment while also saving money, as some stores now charges for plastic bags and it can add up quickly over a year.
- Compost. Food scraps are compostable and contribute to lessening of landfill waste. Composting can create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
- Use safe products – keep your body and our waterways safe from chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, glyphosate and synthetic materials.
- Look for companies and products that incorporate a Zero-Waste model.
How about going natural for the New Year?
What does this mean? Going natural is more than just buying organic – it means paying attention to all of your purchases and their ingredients.If you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late! Now is the time! A few simple ways to start converting to a more natural lifestyle is to start with your body care routine. Take a look at the products you are currently using and ask yourself a few questions:
Are they in alignment with natural health and body care? What are the health consequences of you not switching to a new, non-toxic approach? What will you gain by switching over?
We know labels can be difficult to understand. If you need guidance, refer back to our article on reading ingredient lists here. This will help you decipher between what is truly natural and what is not.

After you have your body care habits in order, think about natural food goals. If this feels overwhelming, remember: not everything has to be done in giant leaps. You can take small steps and still improve your overall well-being. This is the year you reclaim your health!
Eating more whole, organic, fresh foods brimming with color will help you radiate life. Consider making a resolution to leave processed foods behind in favor of natural alternatives. Making simple additions like an organic, colorful salad with each meal is a great start.
These days, a lot of us are on the go which makes it more difficult, but not impossible, to be healthier.
Try incorporating a blended green smoothie into your routine each day. It takes just minutes to blend together some organic greens, fruit or vegetables, and a superfood powder. It is a fast and easy way to alkalize your blood, keep you energized, and stabilize your mood. This all works in harmony to create a healthier you!
When achieved, resolutions like these will build your confidence while boosting your overall health and vitality.
This is a New Year, and a New You is on the horizon! We at Morrocco Method are here to support your goals and resolutions!
We truly believe Our Health is Our Wealth.
¹ - per the EPA website