Seaweed for Health & Beauty

Make sure you haven’t got an allergy to iodine, though. And if you are taking thyroid medication, it is best to seek a qualified practitioner, who may recommend you to introduce only very tiny amounts.
They are extremely low in calories. Japan remains one of the world’s largest sea-vegetable producers and exporters, and seaweeds are used in many macrobiotic dishes. Clearspring is the most popular make, and I use its products regularly. Another brand I use is Algaran, which is from Donegal in Ireland.

Hijiki is the best seaweed for looking beautiful. It is high in calcium and fibre and helps regulate high blood-sugar levels. It purifies the blood of damaging toxins and has 16 times more calcium than milk per unit measure and also 8 times the amount of iron as beef. According to Japanese folklore, eating hijiki is better than any shampoo when it comes to keeping hair thick and glossy. It also promotes beautiful skin. Natural beauty from within! So,

One of the reasons I love Morocco Method hair products is that most of them contain seaweed. Anything you apply to your hair or skin does get absorbed by the body so you will be doubly nourished which is wonderful.