Henna Hair Dye Kit


Discover gorgeous and beautifully conditioned hair, naturally. Add rich, deep color and cover greys. MM Henna Hair Dye contains 100% plant material and is completely chemical free: no metallic salts, no ammonia, no PPD. Now all you need are the tools! We have assembled all of the items you will need for your Henna application into one convenient package - our Henna Hair Dye Kit! Pair this Kit with the Henna Color of your choice for great results with ease.

Along with all the essential tools for dyeing and mixing your hair, we include Euro Oil to help prevent skin staining and to condition the hair. We have also included Apple Cider Vinegar to aid in the dye release process.

Note: The Neutral and the Light Blonde Henna Dyes do not use Apple Cider Vinegar or Black Tea. For these colors please omit the ACV and Black Tea Bag and use the rest of the kit contents only.