How to Transition to Natural Shampoos
Okay, to be honest…
Transitioning to natural shampoos and conditioners can be a difficult and lengthy process. From dealing with detox to experimenting with your washing routine, it can take a while to figure out what’s best for your hair. That’s not to say it’s not worth it. I think once you try out this method you will be so happy with the results that you’ll never look back. Not only will you save tons of shampoo but your hair will be renewed and revitalized to new heights!What to expect as a first time user:

Using conventional shampoo will allow your hair to dry super fast and can give you amazing short-term results. Don’t be fooled! This is because of synthetic ingredients, such as parabens, that coat the hair in plastic while leaving the real damage hidden beneath. So, even though these shampoos work easier into your scalp, your hair pays the price in the long run.
In contrast, Morrocco Method shampoos are crafted using healthy plants, clays, minerals and essential oils, the same ingredients used by the Gods & Goddesses before the time of bottled shampoos. Anthony Morrocco has re-invented this sense of ritual, this sense of natural power, allowing us to experience it every time we wash our hair.
Here are some practical insights for getting the most out of your natural shampoos:
1. Forget everything you know about brushing.
Proper brushing using a boar bristle brush can alleviate detox symptoms along with many other benefits. Also use the scalp massager to invigorate the blood flow and evenly distribute oils to the tips of the hair. If you don’t do this the ends of your hair will remain frizzy and split ends will occur more often.2. Use a netti pot!
This method really made the difference for me. Here’s what you do: add about 1 tablespoon of your favorite MM shampoo in the base of the netti pot. Next, add in equal amounts water or slightly more depending on your perfect ratio. Now swirl the pot while holding the hole shot at the end of the spout until well mixed.
Here’s the incredible part: simply use the spout of the netti pot to disperse your shampoo next time you wash. This will help distribute the shampoo mixture all over the head, not clumped in one area of your head.
Be sure to shampoo twice. The first wash removes dirt and debris; the second nourishes the scalp and hair shaft as the raw oils and minerals penetrate the follicles. In a pinch, you can also use a 16 ounce glass mason jar. I did this once on a trip. It worked well, but not as well as a netti pot!
3. Do the same for conditioners
If you’re finding that your hair is still oily, do the above method with your conditioners as well. Simply swirl the conditioner with some water in your netti pot and use the spout to distribute it over your hair. You may want to try only applying conditioner to the ends of your hair, where it is most dry.
4. Get yourself a bottle of Raw Fermented Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

It will give your hair that shine you miss from your conventional shampoo, restore the scalp and leave your hair thicker and fuller. Leave this in as your final rinse!
*BONUS TIP* If my hair starts to feel dry, I like to use the spray-in conditioner all over. It brings a magical quality to your hair.
There you have it! Go out and pick up a netti pot, and get started on your healthy hair journey. Lots of love and blessings to your healthiest head of hair!
– Dodhisattva
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