Why Natural Sea Salt?
Why Natural Sea Salt?

The commercial exploitation and profiteering of this most indispensable material and seasoning began with civilization. In times past, real natural salt was so highly valued that it was exchanged ounce for ounce for gold. Today, this corruption, with the aid and abet of the modern chemistry of food, extends to such a point that 82 of the 84 essential elements and gases, outside of sodium and chlorine, have been stripped from sea salt for the benefit or convenience of the refiners. Because the modern salt industry benefits from the selling of these precious minerals, it takes everything of value out of this vital food, leaving an unstable compound. This highly refined sodium chloride damages our health and threatens our very existence.
Strong demands for whiteness (natural sea salt is gray) and utter “purity”

Natural Sea Salt is truly worth looking for. The health benefits are incredible and you can be sure that you are getting all the minerals that nature intended. Look online or contact your local market to see if you can find this healthy alternative to generic chemical salt.
Good health is our wealth,
Anthony Morrocco