4 Hair Styling Tips for Spring
March 20th marked the first day of spring! As the seasons change, so do the needs of your hair, and so does the way you style it. In the springtime, many people experience increased energy and creativity. As a result, spring hairstyle trends tend to be looser and more playful.
Here are four ways to protect your hair while you style.
Here are four ways to protect your hair while you style.
1. Get a fresh start.
Springtime is a great time to detoxify your mind, body and hair! Let go of bad hair days past, and let go of whatever your hair is holding onto, whether it be chemical damage, heavy metals or harmful toxins. Try our Zen Detox Therapy, and don’t forget to treat your mind and body as well as you treat your hair.
2. Accessorize with a hat or scarf.
Hats and head scarves are always a good way to protect your hair from the unpredictable spring weather. Pastels and floral prints will help get you into that springtime spirit. You can get creative with the way you tie scarves in your hair. Just remember that more coverage=more protection from the elements.3. Want curls? Sleep on it!
Avoid using heat! Springtime heat damage is no way to prepare for the summer. Instead, experiment with other methods of hair curling like sleeping in foam rollers or playing with pin curls. Look for an upcoming blog with more ideas!