Guest Blogger Julie Silver: Curl Power

I want to tell you about the latest MM product I have used which is called Curl Power. I have got curly hair although don’t think it would matter if you hadn’t actually. It is a great pre-conditioner and anti-frizz product. I have tried many natural products that make claims to condition, de-frizz and define curls, however, I have found them to make my hair too heavy and they don’t enhance my curls at all. I was slightly wary when trying Curl Power although have to admit that my hair came better than ever after using it. I haven’t actually followed the instructions. When my hair needs washing I brush it and then apply it to the ends and dry parts of my hair and leave it in from 10 mins to a few hours. I then rinse it out with water, apply shampoo, rinse it out and then put on some conditioner, which is then rinsed off. When my hair is still damp I always follow with the amazing Blood of the Dragon Styling Gel.

I will talk about eating healthier in future blogs so if you are interested watch out for upcoming ones.
For more information, please visit her website!