5 Ways to Detox Your Hair for Spring
According to the Lunar Hair Chart put together by the Hair Shaman, the Spring Equinox is the most powerful time to cut your hair! That being said, we want to give our hair the best chance it can get to get the most out of this crucial time of the year. Today we’re going to share 5 ways to Prepare your hair for the Spring Equinox.
Prior to the Spring Equinox you should familiarize yourself with all of the tools you will need for in order to do your Spring Equinox Hair Cut. You should always pull out your Lunar Hair Chart a bit in advance so you can know what dates are good for which goal (and even though the Spring Equinox may list that it is good for one specific reason, it is actually a great time to cut for any goal!) You should become familiar with the Blunt Snip Cut technique so that you and/or your hairdresser know what they’re doing when the time comes!
Now you’re ready for the most important time of the year! Spring! Enjoy your journey to a new you!

1. Detox Your Hair
In order to make sure our hair is up to snuff for the Spring Equinox, we want to make sure that it is over the hump of the Detox process. You can do this by rotating all 5 shampoos and conditioners to be sure you’re getting as much nutrients as possible. For an added detox boost, use our Zen Detox to help strip your hair of all the nasty chemicals! For best results, start this process a few months in advance as a standard Detox Process can take from 2 weeks to 2 months! For detoxing tips, check out our 5 Tips to Ease Your Detox.
2. Detox Your Body
It is important to be sure that you greet Spring with a healthy body and mind. Supplying your hair with nutrients is only one spoke in the wheel to good health. Another important spoke has to do with diet and exercise. Any exercise to stimulate the blood and airflow is excellent, such as walking, yoga, chi-gong or simply going to the gym. Check out our article on 5 Spokes in the Wheel of Healthy Hair.3. Stop the Stress
We all know that stress can be harmful to your body. De-stressing not only allows us the time to focus on our well being, but also produces beneficial physical changes in the body. Consider taking a holiday, or make every day a holiday by taking daily walks in nature. Stress is an epidemic, but by making little changes, like meditating or taking up a new hobby, can make a huge difference in our health, both inside and out.4. Spring Detox Drink
A delicious and easy way to prepare your body for spring is our Morning Cleansing Tonic. This drink can be prepared with common ingredients and is a great way wake up your body and mind. Check out our recipe here, provided by Sarah Kruse, Ayurvedic Practitioner.5. Know Your Stuff!

Now you’re ready for the most important time of the year! Spring! Enjoy your journey to a new you!