Tending Your Hair Garden
When we think about gardens, we often imagine a lush, thriving space full of plants and flowers. However, for a garden to truly flourish, it requires careful attention and maintenance. The same can be said for our hair and scalp. Spring is the time where farmers all over the world till their soil to get it ready for planting seeds. Since you, too, are a part of the earth, it makes sense that Spring is the perfect time to lay down a healthy foundation for your hair.
We are extensions of the soil of this earth, made up of tons of minerals and beneficial microbes. Just as the seasons dictate when the leaves will fall – your hair reacts to the changing climates like the branches of a tree; in the winter, trees prepare for new buds to sprout in the spring.
Similarly, your hair is preparing for the new season. This makes it a good time to check for any build-up on your scalp that would impede proper growth for the coming months. There are many conditions that can indicate an imbalance. Just as a farmer must pay attention to the condition of the soil, so too must we pay attention to the condition of our scalps.

Your third eye resides between your eyebrows and is sensitive to the environment, energies, and products around it. Surround yourself with positivity and mitigate stress to keep your garden watered with fresh, bright perspectives.
The seasonal equinoxes are an opportunity to detox and enrich the “soil” of your scalp. Taking this extra care now will support healthy growth patterns, hair follicles and sebaceous glands for the season to come. Spring, especially, is one of the most powerful times of year to get the soil of your scalp in an optimal state. The spring equinox gives us the opportunity to grow strong, healthy hair. It also reminds us to get in sync with the earth and her natural rhythms.
One way to keep your hair in optimum condition that mimics natural farming techniques is detoxing your scalp. Soil remediation is the act of purifying the soil from contaminants like pesticides, chemicals, and heavy metals. Farmers will do this before they plant seeds to ensure the crops are clean, vital, and as nutrient-dense as possible.
Similarly, we can purify the soil of our scalp. For maximum results during this equinox, you should begin with a detox treatment for your hair and scalp. You can use Morrocco Method’s Zen Detox Hair and Scalp Masque to start this process by clearing away toxic chemical residues from the scalp and follicles. Zen Detox will bring them to the surface safely and effectively, even for those with the most challenged immune systems. Just as soil remediation makes an impact on the planet and our ecosystem, detoxing your scalp and hair will have an impact on your overall mental and physical health and wellbeing.
A monthly or seasonal blunt snip haircut is another effective way to encourage new hair growth, much like dead-heading and pruning flowers. We recommend cutting at least an 1/4th of an inch, but a full inch or more if possible is best when cutting on a solstice or equinox. If you have a lot of splitting ends, this is the best time to cut them all off and start fresh.

To get the most out of your seasonal cuts, we recommend using the Lunar Package that corresponds with the goal listed on the equinox/solstice dates in addition to doing a Zen Detox Hair Treatment. Morrocco Method shampoos stimulate the scalp, root follicles, and the bulbs of your hair to activate growth cycles while balancing and nourishing your scalp to reveal your best hair.
Knowing the ways you can repair and nourish your hair this season is an easy way to reconnect to the deep energies of the earth as you move into a brand new opportunity for abundance. With this knowledge, you can go through the season knowing that you have created fertile soils for your hair to thrive.
Related articles: Spring Equinox: The Most Powerful Day to Cut Hair