Lunar Cutting with Sophia
"Lunar hair care is a method of syncing hair trims with the lunar cycles. The idea is that trimming the hair in time with certain cycles of the moon can bring about longer, stronger, and lusher strands.
An example of this method is farmers. Farmers have relied upon the moon’s phases for guidance on when to plant crops for optimal growth, dating as far back as the 1800s in what is known today as the Farmer's Almanac. We have a home garden in our home in which we like to reference the Farmer's Almanac for best timing of crops. Lunar hair care simply applies the same planetary principles to us—specifically, to our hair.
An example of this method is farmers. Farmers have relied upon the moon’s phases for guidance on when to plant crops for optimal growth, dating as far back as the 1800s in what is known today as the Farmer's Almanac. We have a home garden in our home in which we like to reference the Farmer's Almanac for best timing of crops. Lunar hair care simply applies the same planetary principles to us—specifically, to our hair.
I decided to try lunar hair cutting last month. In the month of April, I scheduled my hair cutting goals during the middle of the Full Moon phase with a thickening goal. My hair is relatively thin, so thickness was the main goal I wanted to focus on before I focused on length, which is my second goal.
For cutting my hair at home, I like to follow the blunt snipping technique as shown by many videos on the Morrocco Method website. They have simple step by step videos and instructions that are helpful for those new to hair cutting on their own.
Here are the before and after photos of my hair trim. I cut off about 2-3 inches of hair. I will follow up in three months for results."

Check out Sophia's blog at The Good Life to see her full post.
► Shop Blunt Snip Haircutting Kit
► Shop Lunar Hair Packages
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