Affiliate Spotlight: Dan the Life Regenerator
Today we feature one of our fearless affiliates and highlight just what makes Dan MacDonald so darn awesome. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel after for all kinds of wellness tips.

How did you become The Life Regenerator?
Well, I was working with tissue regeneration and I started my youtube channel in 2007, just to watch other people’s videos. I was completely unaware that I would make my own videos. In 2009 I made my first video about coconut cucumber juice. After I noticed others were interested in what I had to say, I made more videos and “The Life Regenerator” was born.What makes you so passionate about spreading the message of wellness—or specifically, raw food lifestyle?
I love health and I love the Truth. I feel a responsibility to alleviate suffering and I feel the raw food lifestyle is the best dietary way to accomplish this.What is your biggest wellness tip?

Breath as much fresh air all day, everyday, as much as you can, as often as you can. Fresh air is the biggest key to health.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring?
A machete for coconuts, a heavy duty canvas tarp for shelter and my girlfriend :)What is your favorite Morrocco Method product for your hair type?
It’s a toss up between the Pine Shale Shampoo and the Pearl Essence Creme Rinse. My Hair type is thick, fine and wavy.
Want to see more of Dan? Check out this playlist with Dan and Anthony.